Palliative Care in Grimsby – Dying Matters Week

As a care home in Grimsby who provide palliative care, we often find the subject of dying one of the hardest to tackle with many families. For obvious reasons, having a conversation about losing your loved one can be incredibly emotive and one many wish to avoid. That’s why the work of charity Dying Matters and their Dying Matters week is so important.

What is Dying Matters?

Dying Matters is a charity whose focus is to raise awareness about dying, death and bereavement. As something that will inevitably come to us all, it is still a surprisingly taboo subject. Dying Matters aim, especially within the awareness week, is to get people talking about death. This year’s focus being ‘Are We Ready?’ – do we have provisions in place for when we die? Will our loved ones be okay financially to cope with funeral costs? Have you made a living will? Have you put anything in place in regards to your palliative care should it be applicable?


These are all issues we should very much be prepared for. But as is human nature, a lot of us tend to brush them under the carpet, hoping we wont have to face or tackle them.


Palliative Care | Dying Matters | Waltham Care Home Grimsby


What is Palliative Care?

Palliative Care is a service provided within some care homes and hospices to ensure those with terminal illness are as comfortable as possible for the duration of their lives. A care plan is put in place to manage the pain and any other symptoms associated with your illness.

Your palliative care can also incorporate other aspects as well as the physical. By taking a holistic  approach we can focus on psychological, spiritual and social support for both you and your family/carers too. This means the focus of your care deals with you as a person and not just your illness.

Waltham House Care Home, Grimsby work alongside you and your family and the relevant care agencies such a Macmillan and District nurses to make sure receive as much support as possible.


Why is Palliative Care and Dying Matters so important?

The fact of the matter is, we are all going to die. What we need to make sure of is that we have the relevant provisions in place to ensure we die with the dignity and respect we deserve and as we wish. Taking control of the care you receive and how you spend your remaining time here is incredibly important.  All too often we read about families left in distress because their loved ones didn’t receive the right level of care. With a robust palliative care plan in place this can where possible be avoided. It’s not easy to talk about death, but everybody deserves to die with dignity.

Palliative Care | Dying Matters | Waltham Care Home Grimsby

If you or your loved one would like to visit Waltham House Care Home, Grimsby and have a chat with the team, then do not hesitate to get in touch. Contact us on 01472 827725 or send a message via our contact page.